February 16, 2024
For your planning purposes, the Goodrich ISD 2024-2025 Academic Calendar is now available. Para sus propósitos de planificación, el Calendario Académico 2024-2025 de Goodrich ISD...
October 16, 2023
Elementary students will be taking home a letter for parents who would like to purchase a plate.
October 3, 2023
Parents the Little Pepper's schedule is now available!
June 16, 2023
Ascender Parent and Student Portals have moved! To keep up to date, update any bookmarks on your devices to match the ones found here: https://www.goodrichisd.net/site/default.asp...
June 16, 2023
Goodrich staff-members-turned-students have been busy doing some learning of their own this summer! Recently, Ms. Brenda Williams attended the Texas Elementary Principals and Supe...
June 7, 2023
Goodrich Summer Happenings Elementary Summer Enrichment Weekdays - 5/30-6/8 8:30am - 12 noon Transportation and Lunch provided.