Over the past couple of days, our CNA students have been receiving real-world experience at a local facility. They have done an outstanding job of assisting residents. Here are a few of the compliments recently received: "Austin was driven and just kept helping where he could. Julissa never stops, she came out of her shell and the comfort level changed today. All 4 answered call lights promptly. Austin and Julissa responded to one call light that was administration testing the time it took the light to be answered and it was record time. Latrina and Jamya received a compliment from occupational therapy saying they properly placed pillows around a bedbound contracted resident so as the OT did not have to adjust a single pillow. OT and all the staff here was very impressed with our Goodrich students". We are super proud of our students and staff for representing our district. Thank you, Nurse Gina, for making all this happen!

GISD CNA Students
January 5, 2024