Goodrich ISD is thankful for our paraprofessional staff members today on National Education Support Professionals Day and every day! These talented individuals make vital contributions on behalf of and in support of students and teachers daily! ¡Goodrich ISD está agradecido por los miembros de nuestro personal paraprofesional hoy en el Día Nacional de los Profesionales de Apoyo a la Educación y todos los días! ¡Estas personas talentosas hacen contribuciones vitales en nombre y apoyo de los estudiantes y maestros diariamente!
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
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Calling all job seekers! Tomorrow in Polk County... The event will be opened to veteran job seekers at 10 AM and the public job seekers will be welcomed to join the event at 11 AM.
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
job fair polk
Goodrich ISD would like to extend a great big Thank You to our Village! Yesterday, we observed: …A neighboring school district providing a safe place to evacuate and a dedicated team of staff members, supplies and equipment for the duration to help ease the transition to remote operations, …An entire team of bus drivers transporting students safely and quickly to the evacuation site, …Administrators and their assistants coordinating student arrival and pickup quickly and effectively, …Teachers caring for their students, making sure they felt safe, keeping them entertained, fed, hydrated and rested during the wait to reunite with parents, …Well-behaved students following emergency instructions quickly and waiting patiently for the arrival of their adult family members, …Older siblings taking time to help comfort their younger siblings in unfamiliar surroundings until parents arrived to pick them up, …Paraprofessionals filling in the gap wherever there was a need, assisting with restroom breaks and meal lines, …Custodians jumping in to help with meal distribution to students and staff, …Law enforcement officials helping route traffic and expediting the reunification of families, …Parents receiving emergency notifications and arriving in steady order to be reunited with their children, …Emergency Operations Management Teams keeping key staff updated along every step of the way. We couldn't have done it without you! Thanks again! ¡Goodrich ISD desea extender un gran agradecimiento a nuestra aldea! Ayer observamos: …Un distrito escolar vecino que proporciona un lugar seguro para evacuar y un equipo dedicado de personal, suministros y equipos durante todo el tiempo para ayudar a facilitar la transición a operaciones remotas, …Un equipo completo de conductores de autobús que transportan a los estudiantes de forma segura y rápida al lugar de evacuación. …Los administradores y sus asistentes coordinan la llegada y recogida de los estudiantes de forma rápida y eficaz, …Maestros que cuidan a sus alumnos, asegurándose de que se sientan seguros, manteniéndolos entretenidos, alimentados, hidratados y descansados ​​durante la espera para reunirse con los padres, …Estudiantes con buen comportamiento que siguen rápidamente las instrucciones de emergencia y esperan pacientemente la llegada de sus familiares adultos, …Los hermanos mayores se toman el tiempo para ayudar a consolar a sus hermanos menores en un entorno desconocido hasta que los padres llegan a recogerlos. …Paraprofesionales llenando el vacío cuando era necesario, ayudando con los descansos para ir al baño y las filas para comer, …Los conserjes intervienen para ayudar con la distribución de comidas a los estudiantes y al personal. …Funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley que ayudan a encaminar el tráfico y acelerar la reunificación de familias, …Padres que reciben notificaciones de emergencia y llegan en orden constante para reunirse con sus hijos, …Los equipos de gestión de operaciones de emergencia mantienen al personal clave actualizado en cada paso del camino. ¡No podríamos haberlo hecho sin Uds! ¡Gracias de nuevo!
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
thank you to our village
Hello. Goodrich ISD has reached our evacuation point at Onalaska ISD. You may pick up your child at 1855 FM 3459, Onalaska, TX 77360, at the junior/senior high school stadium. Please bring photo ID. Thank you.
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
Come out and join us tonight for our first Junior High Basketball game for both the boys and the girls team. Games start at 5:30pm.
about 1 year ago, Aubrey Vaughan
Hornets Vs. Burkeville
Congratulations to Darla Milne. She is the Secondary staff member of the month! Thank you for your hard work and dedication!
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
Staff member of the month
Congratulations to our Lady Hornets. They won Bi-District and move to area play!
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
Lady Hornets
Lady Hornets
Lady Hornets
Lady Hornets
Lady Hornets
Come out and support our Lady Hornets!!
about 1 year ago, Aubrey Vaughan
Bi-District Game on Monday
Bi-district game vs. Kennard on Monday, 10/30 @ 5:00 p.m. — Admission for adults is $5 and students $3. Location to be determined (TBD) —we’ll keep you posted! Go Lady Hornets!
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
Due to incoming inclement weather, the Fall Festival scheduled for Thursday will be postponed until Friday, November 10th. Thank you for your understanding.
about 1 year ago, Aubrey Vaughan
Postponed till November 10th.
GISD Student Break Days 10/27 & 10/30 Días de descanso para estudiantes de GISD 27 oct y 30 oct GISD Staff Break Day 10/27 Día de descanso del personal de GISD 27 oct Enjoy the Long Weekend! ¡Disfruta el Fin de Semana Largo!
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
fall break days
Congratulations to our Lady Hornets cross country runners, who represented Goodrich today at the UIL regional meet, earning 13th place! ¡Felicitaciones a nuestras corredoras de cross country Lady Hornets, que representaron a Goodrich hoy en el encuentro regional de la UIL y obtuvieron el puesto 13!
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
goodrich xc girls regionals 2023
Reminder: School Picture Day is tomorrow, October 16. Recordatorio: El día de las fotografías escolares es mañana 16 de octubre.
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
Say “hello” to two-way messaging and classroom announcements in the Goodrich ISD app! With the addition of Rooms, our district app keeps getting better. Parents/ guardians check your email and SMS with instructions to sign up and access new features.
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
Rooms Marketing
Say “hello” to two-way messaging in the Goodrich ISD app! The same district app now offers class streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat. Look for your personalized invitation soon! Download for Android Download for iPhone
over 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
Room Flyer
Come cheer on the Lady Hornets Friday as they match up against the High Island Lady Cardinals! Admission is free for Goodrich students in grades PK-12! ¡Ven a animar a las Lady Hornets el viernes mientras se enfrentan a las High Island Lady Cardinals! ¡La entrada es gratis para los estudiantes de Goodrich en los años PK-12!
over 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
student night volleyball free student admission Goodrich
6th grade students participated in their first Middle School lab in Mr. Pickett's Science class.
over 1 year ago, DARLA MILNE
Students participating in Science Lab
...Back by popular demand! Goodrich ISD's own Ms. Gina and crew are pulling out all the stops at lunch with the return of the salad bar, part of a healthy lunch = healthy students and staff initiative! Just one more reason Goodrich is a great place to learn and work! Thanks for the awesome lunch perks, Ms. Gina!
over 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
fresh vegetables
salad bar
...Back by popular demand! Goodrich ISD's own Ms. Gina and crew are pulling out all the stops at lunch with the return of the salad bar, part of a healthy lunch = healthy students and staff initiative! Just one more reason Goodrich is a great place to learn and work! Thanks for the awesome lunch perks, Ms. Gina!
over 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
fresh vegetables
salad bar
Announcement: The power in the district is off and the electric company expects power to return at approximately 2:30 p.m. For this reason, we are releasing students to the parents. We will run our regular bus routes at 1:30 p.m. Thank you for your patience during this time. Anuncio: La electricidad en el distrito está cortada y la compañía eléctrica espera que la electricidad regrese aproximadamente a las 2:30 p.m. Por esta razón, estamos entregando a los estudiantes a los padres. Realizaremos nuestras rutas regulares de autobús a la 1:30 p.m. Gracias por su paciencia durante este tiempo.
over 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD