Congratulations to our homecoming king and queen, Keylon McGowen and Madison Hargroder!
about 2 months ago, Aubrey Vaughan
king and queen
Congratulations to Wilmer Parades! 3rd place 🥉 - Advancing to Area Greenhand Spanish Creed
about 2 months ago, Aubrey Vaughan
6th grade science students learn about themselves and the universe around them in this lab: maximum energy in a chemical reaction, while 8th grade students study the life cycle of a star! Los estudiantes de ciencias de sexto grado aprenden sobre sí mismos y el universo que los rodea en este laboratorio: energía máxima en una reacción química, mientras que los estudiantes de octavo grado estudian el ciclo de vida de una estrella.
about 2 months ago, Goodrich ISD
potential chemical energy lab
star lab
Homecoming is Friday November 15th. Let's show our support for our athletes.
about 2 months ago, BRENDA LANGLEY
homecoming dress up
It was exciting seeing our junior high teams play. Both girls teams were victorious, but the boys came up a bit short. I see great futures ahead of these young athletes!
about 2 months ago, Aubrey Vaughan
bball game
bball game
bball game
bball game
bball game
bball game bball game
bball game
bball game
bball game
Basketball season begins! JH girls and boys vs. Spurger tonight.
about 2 months ago, Aubrey Vaughan
bball tee off
bball tee off
G/T referral window is open now until December 1st. If you believe your student would benefit, please fill out a referral form for testing.
about 2 months ago, Aubrey Vaughan
G/T Referral
Come out and enjoy the fun at the Fall Festival!
2 months ago, Aubrey Vaughan
fall festival
fall festival
fall festival
fall festival
fall festival
fall festival
fall festival
fall fest
Our Spanish classes were learning about the cultural significance of kites in other countries. Learning made fun!
2 months ago, Aubrey Vaughan
kite making
kite making
kite making
kite making
kite making
kite making
kite making
kite making
kite mak
Both middle school and high school are holding elections for student council. Almost 100% of students have voted!
2 months ago, Aubrey Vaughan
ballot box
stuco voting
stuco voting
stuco voting
ballot box
ballot box
ballot box
Come out and support our Lady Hornets in Bi-District play!
2 months ago, Aubrey Vaughan
Volleyball flyer
Congratulations to Ms. Sczech. She is our October Staff Member of the Month. She is a fabulous math teacher and has done a wonderful job with NHS!
2 months ago, Aubrey Vaughan
math teacher
Our CNA students are learning how to feed a patient. Nurse Gina is doing a fantastic job with our future nursing students.
2 months ago, Aubrey Vaughan
CNA students
CNA students
CNA students
CNA students
Our senior class made a trip to Region 6 to investigate future career opportunities and schools. Thanks to Ms. Rhodes and Ms. Langley for taking the time to help our students pursue their future goals.
2 months ago, Aubrey Vaughan
Career fair
Career Fair
Career fair
Career fair
Career fair
Congratulations to Brianaly Resendez and Eliseo Garzon. Both are headed to state in cross country! Boys team came in 13th overall and girls team came in 16th.
2 months ago, Aubrey Vaughan
Eliseo Garzon
Brianaly Resendez
Join in the fun. Mr. Pickett and Ms. Sczech are running neck and neck. There are plenty of staff names on jars without much in them. It will be interesting to see at the Fall Festival who the big winner will be!
2 months ago, Aubrey Vaughan
kiss the pig poster
Congratulations to Ms. Bowers and our artists who made honorable mention at the 2024 Trinity River Authority Art Contest. Great job by all!
2 months ago, Aubrey Vaughan
TRA Art Contest
TRA Art Contest
TRA Art Contest
TRA art contest
Middle school students are getting ready for Student Council elections!
3 months ago, Aubrey Vaughan
election poster
election posters
election poster
Congratulations to Keylon McGowan and Devon Bruns. Both seniors have been accepted into Tulsa Welding when they graduate!!
3 months ago, Aubrey Vaughan
Our NHS students participated in Clean Up Lake Livingston over the weekend. They took first place. We are super proud of our wonderful students!
3 months ago, Aubrey Vaughan