Community / Business Partnerships

Goodrich ISD is pleased to be a member of the Goodrich and wider Polk County community. We are also glad to partner with our community business organizations, parents and community members.
If your business would like to partner with Goodrich ISD in our educational endeavors, please complete the partner interest checklist linked below and return it to us.
GISD School Community Business Partnership Interest Form (online)
GISD School Community Business Partnership Interest Form (printable)
Individuals (parents and community members) interested in volunteering in the day-to-day activities of the school are encouraged to complete a volunteer application and return it to the school district.
Parent/Community Volunteer Application
Solicitud de voluntariado para padres y miembros de la comunidad
Community Business Partners for the 2023-2024 school year include:
Alma's Courthouse Whistle Stop Cafe
At Your Feet
Beacon Bay Marina
Blue Duck
Browder's Marina
Bull Shack Coffee & Smoothies
Constable Office Precinct 1, Polk County
Direct Solutions
FBC Goodrich
FBC Livingston
First National Bank Livingston
FUMC Goodrich
Grease Monkey
Homegrown Texas
Joe's Italian Grill
Liberty County Teachers Federal Credit Union
Lonestar Charlie's Family Restaurant
Patron Grill
Redcay Family Business
Tiffany Brymer's Photography