Coming soon to a gymnasium near you!
Reminder: All students in grades 9-12 who plan on participating in athletics need to have a physical by the first day of school. Physical forms may be picked up at the high school office or from Coach Johnson or Coach King.
Recordatorio: Todos los estudiantes en los grados 9-12 que planean participar en deportes deben hacerse un examen físico antes del primer día de clases. Los formularios físicos se pueden recoger en la oficina de la escuela secundaria o de Coach Johnson o Coach King.
Reminder! This year Goodrich ISD is moving to online enrollment for all students. Before students are able to pick up their schedules, parents or guardians will need to register them online at > Students & Parents > Enrollment. Our GISD registration staff will be available on Monday and Tuesday, July 31 and August 1, and and at Meet the Teacher and Schedule Pick-Up Day on Tuesday, August 8, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. to assist with online registration. Additionally, our staff will be available Monday-Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. to assist with online registration. Thank you. See you soon!
¡Recordatorio! Este año, Goodrich ISD está pasando a la inscripción en línea para todos los estudiantes. Antes de que los estudiantes puedan recoger sus horarios, los padres o tutores deberán registrarlos en línea en > Estudiantes y padres > Inscripción. Nuestro personal de registro de GISD estará disponible el lunes y martes, 31 de julio y 1 de agosto, y en el día de conocer al maestro y recoger el horario , el martes 8 de agosto, de 5 p.m. a las 7 p. m. para ayudar con el registro en línea. Adicionalmente, nuestro personal estará disponible de lunes a jueves de 9 a. m. a 12 m. y de 1 p. m. a las 3:30 p.m. para ayudar con el registro en línea. Gracias. ¡Nos vemos pronto!
Please be aware that our Goodrich ISD phone line 936-365-1100 is unexpectedly down today. Our service providers are working on it, and expect to have the problem completed by midnight tonight. If you need to contact our office immediately, you may get in touch with our secretaries by email. Elementary secretary -, Secondary secretary -, Administration secretary - Thank you.
Tenga en cuenta que nuestra línea telefónica 936-365-1100 de Goodrich ISD no funciona hoy. Nuestros proveedores de servicios están trabajando en ello y esperan tener el problema resuelto para la medianoche de hoy. Si necesita comunicarse con nuestra oficina de inmediato, puede comunicarse con nuestras secretarias por correo electrónico. Secretaria de escuela primaria -, Secretaria de escuela secundaria -, Secretaria de administración - Gracias.
Happy May and June Birthdays to our awesome Goodrich staff members!
Congratulations class of 2023! We wish you the very best!!
Goodrich ISD also presented the following awards at the staff awards luncheon on Friday: Support Staff Member of the Year - LuGina Criswell; Newcomer of the Year - Tyler Reihe; Maxine Duff Award for Outstanding Service to Goodrich ISD - Nurse Gina Whittenburg. Congratulations to these staff members on a job well done this year!
Goodrich ISD honored retiree Ms. Kay Bullian on Friday at our staff awards luncheon. We will miss working with this gracious and talented educator, who has spent nearly forty years in the business of education assisting teachers and helping to educate children! May this next phase of your journey be a great one, Ms. Bullian!
Congratulations to our teacher of the year David Pickett and our para of the year Ann Pond!
Congratulations to our Goodrich Elementary Teacher of the Year Brandi Garrett and Elementary Paraprofessional of the Year Kimberly West!
Student recognition at the GISD board meeting: Terry Foundation Scholar Breya Passmore! (...Our other Terry Foundation Scholar, Kaitlyn Pond, would have been here, also, but she was representing her school traveling to tomorrow's regional academic UIL competition.) Congratulations, ladies!