A great big thank you goes out to our Goodrich bus drivers, who transport the most precious cargo--our Goodrich ISD students--every day!
¡Muchas gracias a nuestros conductores de autobuses de Goodrich, quienes transportan la carga más preciada: nuestros estudiantes de Goodrich ISD, todos los días!

We appreciate you Mrs. Dominguez!

If you haven’t joined Rooms, our family-teacher communication tool, sign up before the school year ends! Once you are enrolled, you won’t have to sign up again when the new school year begins! If you haven’t signed up yet, you should be receiving an invite via text today. You can select to sign up by email or phone. After you sign up, don't forget to download the school app and click Rooms in the bottom right-hand corner to communicate with your child's teacher!
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3NOPRVS
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/46Av687

Student Break Days - April 12 & 15, 2024
Vacaciones estudiantiles - 12 y 15 de abril, 2024
Statewide testing begins Tuesday, April 16. Los exámenes estatales comienzan martes, el 16 de Abril. Students are ready to show what they know! ¡Los estudiantes están listos para demostrar lo que saben!

Goodrich ISD has a few open professional staff positions available for next year, but they won't remain available for long! We cordially invite prospective teachers to apply online immediately at GoodrichISD.net > Employment.
Goodrich ISD...Empowering All Students to Pursue Excellence!

Congratulations to these young ladies for being chosen as students of the week April 1st-5th!

Fresh Fruit and Veggie Day!

Goodrich's own amazing cafeteria ladies really outdid themselves today with the school-wide celebration of fruits and veggies! Thank you for finding fun ways for students and staff to be mindful of healthy nutrition!
¡Las increíbles damas de la cafetería de Goodrich realmente se superaron a sí mismas hoy con la celebración de frutas y verduras en toda la escuela! ¡Gracias por encontrar maneras divertidas para que los estudiantes y el personal sean conscientes de una nutrición saludable!

Are you in the know about the latest at Goodrich ISD? Be sure to download the school app today!
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3NOPRVS
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/46Av687

On National School Librarians Day and every day, Goodrich ISD would like to express our gratitude to our librarian, Mrs. Pond, who works tirelessly to ensure success for our students! Whether she is sharing the joy of reading with students, helping older students develop their skills and talents on the stage, in creating the school yearbook, or through leadership and service within the community, she always gives an amazing effort, and she skillfully coaxes our Goodrich students to do the same!
En el Día Nacional de los Bibliotecarios Escolares y todos los días, Goodrich ISD desea expresar nuestra gratitud a nuestra bibliotecaria, la Sra. Pond, quien trabaja incansablemente para garantizar el éxito de nuestros estudiantes. Ya sea compartiendo el placer de leer con los estudiantes, ayudando a los estudiantes mayores a desarrollar sus habilidades y talentos en el escenario, creando el anuario escolar o a través del liderazgo y el servicio dentro de la comunidad, ella siempre hace un esfuerzo increíble y convence hábilmente a nuestros estudiantes que deben hacer lo mismo!

Congratulations to Mrs. Vaughan for being recognized as our staff member of the month! Her dedication, hard work, and contributions to the team have not gone unnoticed. Mrs. Vaughan's commitment to excellence sets a shining example for all of us, and we are grateful for her efforts. Let's celebrate her well-deserved recognition and continue to support each other as we strive for success together.
¡Felicitaciones a la Sra. Vaughan por ser reconocida como nuestro miembro del personal del mes! Su dedicación, arduo trabajo y contribuciones al equipo no han pasado desapercibidas. El compromiso de la Sra. Vaughan con la excelencia es un ejemplo brillante para todos nosotros y estamos agradecidos por sus esfuerzos. Celebremos su merecido reconocimiento y sigamos apoyándonos mutuamente mientras luchamos juntos por alcanzar el éxito.

Don’t forget to join Rooms, our family-teacher communication tool on the school app! If you haven’t signed up yet, you should be receiving an invite via text today. You can select to sign up by email or phone. After you sign up, don't forget to download the school app and click Rooms in the bottom right-hand corner to communicate with your child's teacher!
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3NOPRVS
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/46Av687

Happy Easter! ¡Felices Pascuas!

Reminder: Easter Holidays March 29-April 1, 2024. Students and staff return on Tuesday, April 2. Have a safe and happy holiday! Recordatorio: Vacaciones de Pascua del 29 de marzo al 1 de abril de 2024. Los estudiantes y el personal regresan el martes 2 de abril. ¡Que tengan unas felices y seguras vacaciones!

Happy March Birthdays to our Goodrich Staff Members! ¡Feliz cumpleaños de marzo a los miembros del personal de Goodrich!

The Easter Bunny is enjoying the beautiful weather at the Health Fair! Come on out to Goodrich ISD!

Today is the day! Come on out!

Don’t miss out on the latest happenings at Goodrich ISD! Download the school app today!
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3NOPRVS
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/46Av687

Don’t miss communication from your child’s teacher in Rooms, our family-teacher communication tool on the school app! If you haven’t signed up yet, you should be receiving an invite via text today. You can select to sign up by email or phone. After you sign up, don't forget to download the school app and click Rooms in the bottom right-hand corner to communicate with your child's teacher!
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3NOPRVS
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/46Av687

Congratulations to our student of the week!