Congratulations to our Student of the Week!
12 months ago, Brenda Williams
Student of the Week
Join the festivities!
12 months ago, Brenda Williams
Egg Hunt
Egg Hunt
Daylight savings time change this Sunday! Don't forget to set your clocks ahead one hour. Have a safe and happy spring break! See you on Monday, 3/18, kids! ¡Este domingo cambia el horario de verano! No olvides adelantar tus relojes una hora. ¡Que tengas unas felices y seguras vacaciones de primavera! ¡Nos vemos el lunes 18/03, niños!
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
spring 2024
Goodrich has the absolute best maintenance men! Whether they're repairing a desk drawer, mowing the grounds, maintaining our buses, or any of the host of other things that they do on a daily basis they offer prompt and friendly assistance! Happy National Maintenance Workers Day! ¡Goodrich cuenta con los mejores hombres de mantenimiento! Ya sea que estén reparando un cajón del escritorio, cortando el césped, dando mantenimiento a nuestros autobuses o cualquiera de las otras cosas que hacen a diario, ¡ofrecen asistencia rápida y amigable! ¡Feliz Día Nacional de los Trabajadores de Mantenimiento!
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
desk repair
maintenance worker day
Goodrich ISD would like to Welcome our newest HIVE member as our Elementary Secretary. Rosie Dominguez joins us bringing a bright smile and wealth of knowledge. We are excited for her commitment to GISD. Goodrich ISD quisiera darle la bienvenida a nuestro nuevo miembro de HIVE como nuestra Secretaria de Primaria. Rosie Dominguez se une a nosotros con una sonrisa brillante y una gran riqueza de conocimientos. Estamos entusiasmados por su compromiso con GISD. Hi! I'm Rosie Dominguez, I graduated from Livingston ISD in 2005 and currently reside in Goodrich. I have 2 children Ema and Aiden who attend Goodrich Elementary. I love to cook/grill for my family and enjoy sunny days outside with my children. I am blessed for the opportunity to be a member of such a great Hive!
about 1 year ago, Brenda Williams
Rosie Dominquez
It's "all hands on deck" when lunchtime rolls around! Goodrich had some great substitute lunch ladies today, who filled in where needed with a smile!
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
sub lunch ladies
Goodrich ISD staff and students want to extend a great big thank you to our school resource officers! Your efforts and presence are much appreciated, this month and every month! ¡El personal y los estudiantes de Goodrich ISD quieren agradecer enormemente a nuestros policias escolares! ¡Sus esfuerzos y presencia son muy apreciados, este mes y todos los meses!
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
Reminder: Student Holidays - Friday, February 16 and Monday, February 19 Staff Development - Friday, February 16 Teacher Holiday - Monday, February 19
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
February Holidays
Plan to come to our Goodrich High School Elective Night! ¡Planee venir a nuestra Noche Electiva de Goodrich High School!
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
elective night
If you haven't signed up for Rooms, you should be receiving an invite via text this evening for phone number login! After you sign up, don't forget to download the app and click Rooms in the bottom right-hand corner to communicate with your child's teacher! Download for Android Download for iPhone
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
Room parent communication
Congratulations to Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo School Art Finalist ribbon recipient, 4th-grader Brystol Williams, who submitted her painting entitled "The Wilderness Cow." Way to represent Goodrich! Felicitaciones a Brystol Williams, estudiante de cuarto grado, ganadora del listón finalista de Houston Livestock Show y Rodeo School Art, quien presentó su pintura titulada "La vaca del desierto". ¡Qué manera de representar a Goodrich!
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
wilderness cow painting
It's National School Counselor Week, and Goodrich ISD celebrates one of the best! Mrs. Rhodes works tirelessly with our students and their teachers to get students on track for success! Thank you, Mrs. Rhodes, for all you do! ¡Es la Semana Nacional del Consejero Escolar, y Goodrich ISD celebra una de las mejores! ¡La Sra. Rhodes trabaja incansablemente con nuestros estudiantes y sus maestros para encaminarlos hacia el éxito! ¡Gracias, Sra. Rhodes, por todo lo que hace!
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
counselor month
Friends of Goodrich ISD will meet today to set up the Valentine store. Please meet at the drop off pick up area for entry.
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
Please be advised that the boiled water notice issued by the City of Goodrich for parts of the city this morning (2/6/2024) does not pertain to the school district in this instance. Thank you. Tenga en cuenta que el aviso de agua hervida emitido por la ciudad de Goodrich para partes de la ciudad esta mañana (2/6/2024) no pertenece al distrito escolar en este caso. Gracias.
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
Mr. Kyle's bus route is approximately 5-7 minutes behind this morning. Thank you for your patience in this matter.
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
Calling all Goodrich ISD parents and their senior students! FAFSA Night for GHS Seniors will be this coming Thursday, February 8, 2024, from 5:30 p.m. - to 7:30 p.m. Get answers to your pressing questions about the FAFSA form and assistance if needed to complete it. Contact Mrs. Rhodes for more information. See you Thursday! ¡Llamando a todos los padres de Goodrich ISD y a sus estudiantes de último año! La Noche de FAFSA para estudiantes de último año de GHS será el próximo jueves 8 de febrero de 2024, de 5:30 p.m. a las 7:30 p.m. Obtenga respuestas a sus preguntas urgentes sobre el formulario FAFSA y asistencia si es necesario para completarlo. Comuníquese con la Sra. Rhodes para obtener más información. ¡Hasta el jueves!
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
fafsa night Goodrich
The importance of being a good citizen, viewing oneself as both one of the governors and one of the governed in America, is a value that, as educators, we try to instill in our students throughout the course of their education. Please see the attached letter from our Superintendent of Schools, Daniel Barton, regarding the upcoming opportunity to exercise your right of citizenship. La importancia de ser un buen ciudadano, de verse a uno mismo como uno de los gobernadores y uno de los gobernados en Estados Unidos, es un valor que, como educadores, tratamos de inculcar a nuestros estudiantes a lo largo de su educación. Consulte la carta adjunta de nuestro Superintendente de Escuelas, Daniel Barton, sobre la próxima oportunidad de ejercer su derecho de ciudadanía.
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
importance of voting
It was great to have a representative from Universal Technical Institute here today to speak with our seniors!
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
Happy Friday!
about 1 year ago, Brenda Williams
Congratulations to our 2023-2024 Hornet Homecoming King and Queen, Mr. Alex Rosas and Miss Latrina Morgan! ¡Felicitaciones a nuestro Rey y Reina del Homecoming Hornet 2023-2024, el Sr. Alex Rosas y la Señorita Latrina Morgan!
about 1 year ago, Goodrich ISD
king and queen 24